
Waiting for Ripples

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Moving on. . . .

So it has been a crazy winter and I feel like I am waking from a time warp some days. We wrapped up 3rd grade today! How much fun this s hook year has been. I love being a teacher almost all the time! There has been so much change this year though that mind seems to play tricks on me sometimes. I so wanted ask my Dads advice about something today and he wasn't there. Always has been there and it was an odd feeling to know I couldn't ask him and I was going to have to figure it out a different way. We made it thru though. I have felt like I was camping from my house this whole winter. Having spent more time living out of a suitcase than my dresser over the last several months has brought on that feeling I guess. But I unpacked my suitcase so maybe I will have too many clothes in my closet now. LOL! I have a new niece just born the other day! How cool is that! I think all of my family have hit our walls though. In talking to them all of us have been sleeping like logs and so exhausted. But I think it is just the finality of things coming down on us as well as a let off of some of the stress we all packed with us this winter. In some ways November seems like it was about 10 years ago and yesterday at the same time. Time warp thing! We went to a rodeo - just a fun day trip this last weekend and it was so fun and just nice to do something just for fun with no extra pressure or anything just simple. I guess I need to plan some more of that in for this summer.

Friday, May 11, 2012


So I was ready to call my Dad the other day. Didn't really have any new news or anything just wanted to chat about life. Was hard to realize I couldn't do that now. Odd thing to realize! I was telling my son that tho and told him that I had prayed then and asked Jesus to tell Grandpa what I needed to tell him and that I love and miss him. He said that the good thing about that is that you never get out of cell phone range that way! Too true! I love it. Good perspective. I am realizing that we all have these important people in our lives who we do the important and big things in life with. College. Marriage. Births. Deaths. That sort of thing. We are very blessed go have some of those sorts of friends. Dad was honored today by a packed out memorial service. The word we kept hearing over and over was how dad had impacted this person and that person. Whole schools. Organizations. People. Ministries. People. Families. Missions. People. It was near to hear and be blessed again by the love of a Dad and a man who loved God and followed and gave with everything he had.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Thoughts on packing.

So I have done a lot of packing. I travel a lot and pack light and go. I have for a long time. I have packed up my whole life into 7 pieces of luggage twice for international moves. I have helped friends do this packing up to. I kind of like packing. The last 3 days I have been helping my Mom, brother, sister in law pack up my Mom from her house to move to Oregon. We have sorted thru books, clothes, hunting gear, books, craft supplies, kitchen stuff, geology stuff, a few more books. All those things that a person who loved life and lived it to the full collects. It has been interesting and hard. I think the office has been the hardest because that space has been Dads domain for lack of a better word. But he Always had time for us. I kept waiting in my heart for him to walk in the door. And it was painful in my heart knowing he wasn't going to. We have had some fun memories made and some fun memories bared as we have worked together in this project too so that has been good.