
Waiting for Ripples

Friday, September 28, 2012

Ambushed at Hunting season

Last year at hunting season, my Dad was up here hiking all around and visiting, talking about life, the great trip we had to Mongolia last August, about his business and the neat things he could see coming down the line.  Now he is  getting to be in Heaven, and I am missing him here!  It is funny how people are so wrapped up in our lives.  I was thinking who would be coming for hunting season and was ready to have Dad here.  It was one of the "ambushes" that catches you off guard in grief.  I was not even thinking and walked my self right into it.  Of course almost every hunt in my whole life I have been with my Dad, so of course I would automatically put him here.  Last year he was on the floor in my son's room as we had a full house of hunters.  My Dad snored really bad and so my son had put on his shooting ear muffs to sleep in with Grandpa.  My Dad treasured all of us and was a cheerleader to all we did and had going.  He would pick out the how and whys of things and discuss them.  He loved to find what someones dream was and help them get there.  And I miss that!  I will miss our morning hike tomorrow as I go out with my son to hunt.  I will  miss him saying lets just wait here a minute and see what comes up out of this draw.  Pointing out things and just being here.  It will be an  odd year of hunting.  Not because it is too warm.  Not because it is already the end of September, when part of me is still figuring out my new equilibrium. No because my Dad isn't here to laugh and joke, take us up the canyon to see the rocks and put up No Hunting signs.  Simply because there is already a hole in the picture of the hunters.    


So, I am discovering again what I already knew - framing is MUCH faster than concrete work!  It is so nice to  notice noticeable differences every time I show up.  Very fun!  These guys have been hitting it hard and making progress.  Actually since I took this picture yesterday all these boards have floor on them now.  How does that work!  Well! 

I took them all brownies yesterday. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Big Boy Playground

My Son is loving this house building project.  There is so many interesting things to see, do, help with and explore.  Today a big load of sand arrived to level the floor in the basement before we put down the radiant floor heat.  He was having so much fun playing in it, building caves, dumping it through the holes in his knees to fill his pants up with it, bulldozing it around and shoveling it from one place to another.  He has found a new "fort" as all boys need forts.  He has his dump trucks and road graders, bulldozers and diggers over there to play with.  He is having a ball.  Yes, we are keeping school a high priority and getting it done, but we are also enjoying long recess time at our new place learning about life.  When we lived in Mongolia, we built / remodeled a house there as well.  K was 2 and half at the time and completely enjoyed the process.  He pounded nails into whatever with his little hammer and drove his trucks and tractors many miles in the sand pit.  He is now getting the experience but is a bit more able to enjoy and remember than just play.  But life lessons are so crucial and important and it is amazing the things you can learn at a playground!

Good Taste

My husband has always laughed at me when we go shopping together.  We don't usually go shopping to much together as I am not a big shopper.  But, he always teases me about my good taste, I can go into any type - it seems - of store and if we are looking for a particular item I can pick out the most expensive or at least one of the most expensive without ever looking at the price!  Then I usually am shocked at how much it costs.  I have found that this extends into even plumbing fixtures.  I kid you not!  I went in to a plumbing store the other day and looking through a catalogue picked out the fixtures for my house.  Mind you, there were no prices in this book, as this is not a retail store.  I just picked out the ones I wanted him to give me a bid on.  O my!  I never knew that they made sinks  stainless steel, ordinary looking kitchen sinks for over a $1000!  Yes, I am serious!  REALLY!  I was shocked.  I mean really, you wash dishes and potatoes in this!  Honestly!  I guess it gave a new meaning to taking everything but the kitchen sink.  If I payed that much for a sink, I would take it with me!  Light packer that I am not withstanding!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

School , , , House , , , Business , , , Life . . .

Seems all of life is so interconnected.  I feel that I wear lots of hats each day.  Wife, Mom, Teacher, Nurse to little oweys, Sister, Secretary, Librarian, Book keeper, Mom, Daughter,  Contractor, Swim Instructor, Maid,Aunt, Mom, Grand Daughter, Student, Party planner, Director, Counselor, Taxi Driver, Veterinarian, Board Member, Mom  . . . Need I go on ?
Pouring Concrete
Downstairs bedroom

Don't get my wrong, I love all my jobs.  I would not trade any of them.  Sometimes my head hurts from changing so many hats in one day!  I love being a mom!  I love schooling and learning so many new things as we go through life.  I just wish someone would level out that learning curve a bit on some of the new responsibilities.  I am pretty sure it is not curving back on itself, but sometimes it feels that way.  School this year is so far going SO well!  WE are having so much fun and learning so many new things.  It is incredible the amount of stuff I never knew or only knew until that test that has since escaped my brain . . . or is that what all these new gray hairs are from is??  LOL!  But seriously we are totally enjoying ourselves!  We are in the days of American expansion across the continent, slavery, mountain men, right before the gold rush, and the underground railroad.  Exciting and sad times in our history.  But so important.  We are also learning about electricity, and currents and light bulbs with small D cell batteries.  Hmm . . . I wonder if we could do our electricity for our house. . . . .

Moving on . . .  Our foundation is almost done!  Yeah!  3 weeks late!  But, concrete is slow!  I am thinking that the next step of framing and putting up the exterior is going to go so fast.  I would bet 10 days or so and that will be done.  So we are excited abut that!   Maybe we will get moved by Christmas . . . I am not holding my breath though!  I am having fun looking for good deals on fixtures and that sort of stuff for this house though!  That is the fun part. 

We are doing better with life in general.  I think starting school and getting a little more routine has been good.  Vacation is wonderful and we got to see and do a lot this summer, but, life must go on.  There are still lots of times per week that I get "ambushed" by something that has me ready to call Dad and chat about whatever, or however important or not the item is it is always the kicked by a mule feeling in your gut, that, OW, I cant just make that phone call any more.  Sometimes that just makes me cry.  And that is OK.  Even though I don't really like to cry, I do, and that is OK.