
Waiting for Ripples

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Decorating.... Thoughts.....

While I am definitely not "Martha Stewart" I do enjoy decorating.  I have laughed at myself many times over the last year though as I have debated what needs to go where in my new house.  I realized today that a year ago this week I was screwing down deck boards and the sheetrock guys were making the walls no longer able to be walked through.  I still have several blank walls that I still have not decided what should belong there.  It has been an experience.  A fun one. Sometimes funny!

This year we get to celebrate Christmas in our new house.  We are getting a Christmas tree.  Today we hung up lights on my beautiful deck.  We set up the Snowy Village scene.  The Nativity Scene.  Got the Advent Calendar out.  The small snowmen.  Sorted through a pile of tree decorations and figure out where the tree should go in our house.  We had so much fun.  I realized that last year I did not do much for Christmas decorating.  We did have a tree - I have pictures - and I think it just had lights on it!  And presents underneath it. I was busy building a home.  The year before that was Christmas in Reno in a hotel around Cancer treatments.  I have pictures of this Christmas too.  Many in my head and heart and several on film as well.  One of those "lasts."  The year before that had been hosting Thanksgiving at the ranch and so I had kind of decorated for Christmas too.  But it has been a while since I had truly gotten to decorate for Christmas.  What a treat.  To celebrate for a month!  To have parties to attend.  Christmas lights to enjoy out on my deck.  Enjoy the sights of other decorations as well as I drive around town.  Interesting sorting through the memories as well as the decorations.  Several decorations that my Grandma had painted.  Some I had made or bought for my Dad and my Grandpa.  Realizing anew that they will not be getting a Christmas card from me.  That I could not call them up for any Holiday.  That life may be getting decorated and looking good but there are definitely still spots that cause pain. 

Christmas treasures hidden away in gift wrapped secrets. Music. Mistletoe. Wrapping. Surprises. Secrets. Phone calls. Family time.  Memories shared. Hot Chocolate. Apple Cider. Sledding - I hope! The Christmas story. Friendships built on.  Memories made.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Pond Views

During the last few weeks, I have been holding down the home front.  It has worked really well.  We have had a good time....  Played board games... built a model plane... Had a wonderful visit with my Mom.... watched some movies... Chopped wood... Delivered a couple of calves.... Oiled all the wood trim in my house - looks amazing! - organized the pantry ... took some time off.... Did some fun school. 
While I have been taking care of the cows and my nurse cow and leppy calves I drive by our small pond a couple times a day.  I marvel at the changes in the look of my pond.  Some days it is so dark the only thing you can see is what there is reflected in my headlights. Other times it is dark with reflections off the stormy clouds.... rain spattered ... wind blown .... totally peaceful .... Rocks thrown in making ripples small and large blossoming from the impact... calm.... reflecting... Sometimes I think that my life is reflected like that pond.  All those same feelings and emotions.  Sometimes roiling.  Other times calm.  Peaceful.  Tear spattered.  Rippling around with my life bouncing and hitting the impact of other lives and choices running into mine as well.  Lots of life happening. 
Interesting to see how life continues to be an interesting view.  So watch those ponds.  Enjoy the view.  Enjoy the sun rises and sunsets reflected in the water.  There is so much beauty to be enjoyed each and every day.  Enjoy!