
Waiting for Ripples

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Getting Ready....

So when you go out these days everyone asks if you are ready for Christmas.  When you are shopping... meeting friends... at church... getting coffee... at the post office... out to eat... everywhere.  I guess that Christmas is coming whether I am ready or not.  I think I am a little more ready for Christmas than I was last year.  In this month last year I was building my house.  Putting in long and fun hours that would put the finishing touches on our house project.  It made for a busy Christmas season and while Christmas comes around every year on the same day, I kind of got caught off guard when it was Christmas.  My mom came over and we enjoyed a fun Christmas together but had been working hard too.  Our house was finished soon after and I was glad we had put in those long hours.  But getting ready for Christmas this year has been fun.  Have a beautiful home to host Christmas parties in.  We had a wonderful one last night. 
I know there will be a hole at our Christmas celebration.  A couple of them actually.  My Grandparents did not get the Christmas card that I sent out as it is hard to get them sent to heaven.  My Dad wont get one either for the same reason.   Trying to get ready for those memories as they are going to hit.  This makes all of the Christmas memories bitter and sweet.  Sad and fun to remember at the same time.  The memories hurt and bring tears at the oddest of times.  They make you wonder.  They make you want to run.  They make you glad for what you have.  There is a lot of life in the memories.  Lots of living.  Lots of things that have been gotten ready for.  My Dad got ready for heaven all his life.  So did my Grandparents.  Not that they were perfect.  We all make mistakes.  Do things wrong.  Do things right. But tried.  I guess we all get ready for life  and the occasions that it brings.  The legacy he left behind is going to continue on.  The memories and love will continue.


Since my son was born we have always said he looks more like my husbands family and yet has the build of my side of the family.  When he was born he had feet much too long for those tiny newborn socks or shoes.  When we lived in Mongolia I could only buy his shoes at the German shoe shop.  They would send containers of used clothing and shoes to Mongolia, kind of like a thrift store that came to another country.  The shoes would be quality not found on the new shoe racks in the market.  If I looked at those shoes and would try them on my son, the shoes were about half again as wide as his feet were as he had such long thin feet.  As he grew I would joke with him that when he got to be the same size of shoes that I wear, I would go shoe shopping!  Well today we went shopping for some sandals.  Going on vacation and needed shoes that could do a beach.  We were trying on shoes and I realized that my 10 year old was wearing my size shoe!  Yikes.  I guess I better go shoe shopping or he will be outgrown of my size! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cold . . . Rembering . . . .

It has gotten cold here the last few days.  Plumbers and heating guys and electricians putting in long hours getting power, water, electricity back on to people who have lost them.  It was -11 here on Sunday morning.  We were blessed as all our vehicles started and the tractor has a cab - no heater - but still a cab to sit in out of the wind while plowing snow.  The 8 inches of snow we woke up to has definitely not melted.  So I have been feeding the fire and staying warm.  The cows are now getting fed and they seem to think that is a good plan for them.  They need those calories each day. 
 The baby calves are all so fuzzy and hairy.  Looking so cute and curious still.

As this fall has hit I keep remembering back to last year at this same time.  This week last year I was putting on the deck and going into the crazy month of December when we spent LLOONNNGGG days working on the house.  Painting. Trimming. Putting in flooring. Cabinets. Electricity.... all kinds of stuff.  Lots of fun.  Good memories made. Strong friendships forged. Laughter. Sweat. Tears. Blood. Pencils sharpened. Writing on the walls. Splinters. New drills. The day we finally had power.  The house still "shutting off". Driving in the dark both to and from our house. The absolute darkness at our new house.  Snowy roads. Birthday brownies. Generators running. Inspectors. Shelving. Friends. Tiles. The end in sight. Packing boxes. Lunches on the floor. Discovery of things new.  Mistakes. Questions. Lack of sleep. Fun. Laughter. Creating. I loved it.  I am still enjoying the benefits of it.  What fun and interesting times of life.  The way they change and mold us.  Would not change it for the world.  But how has it all changed me?