
Waiting for Ripples

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Toglie (lets play in Mongolian) & Bars (Tiger - common Mongolian dog name!)

 When we got our two adults who are the parents of this litter - they were 6 months and 5 months old.  Toglie - our male, cam from Arkhangai province in Mongolia.  One of our friends had gotten him from a herder friend.  The Female, Bars, was bought in the Gobi desert by one of our Vet friends.  When he heard we were looking for a puppy, he sold her to us as he knew we would give her a great home.  They were both pretty cute when we got them and would play endlessly. 

Bars - mom - at 6 months old.  Very fluffy

Toglie at 6 months old

Bars at 8 months or so

Just after a bath!  He had found a skunk!

Playing pups at 6 months

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