
Waiting for Ripples

Monday, September 26, 2011

Transitions - Why must we need them?

Sometimes I wish there was no such thing as transitions!  Seems like we have been in one far more than not in the last several years, and I think I am getting tired of them!  Sometimes my heart just cries, like tonight when Kase told me he is ready to move back to Mongolia.  That is his home and yet, all of us live there, all of us loved it and yet, here we are living in America.  We all left a bit of our hearts in Mongolia.  Yes, we love America, yes, we are patriots, but when you have experienced the ex-pat lifestyle there is much to be said about it!  We have been house hunting and it seems all the ideas and thoughts on that have kept running into walls!  We have made viable good offers on places and had them rejected, and even though of building our own house only to have that look like a bad location.  It is kind of like being in a pin-ball machine- but being the ball and not the player.  How do we get out!  Please pray for peace.  Pray for answers.  Pray for closure.  But like this flower in the picture, sometime we need the rain to bring out the flowers in our lives.  I think it has been raining enough though.  I am ready for some changes.  Our family is ready to see what the next step is in our lives.  In some ways the easy - though this is a LOT of work - thing would be to pack up and move back to Mongolia.  But I don't know if that would be the right step at the right time!  Or would it?  What does God want us to do?  Where does He want us to be?  We continue moving forward and trying to put down some roots, but it seems there are rocks in our soil.  Or maybe we are all in a big planting pot instead of the ground and we can then be moved easier and still intact.  I guess we will see.   

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