
Waiting for Ripples

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Looks like a HOUSE!

I went over to my new house today - I forgot my camera!  So sorry!  But I had so much fun.  Walking through the house and realizing that it is really happening.  There is a house there when 2 months ago were a few colorful flags in the dirt!  The roof was finished being sheeted, the guys were putting up the porch trusses.  The inside walls are all framed.  There were black plumbing pipes in and now I know where my washer and dryer will be.  My HVAC guy showed up today and figured out his stuff too.  I am planning to meet with the electrician on Friday and we are pulling wire  for outlets and lights this weekend.  I think the siding is going on starting this weekend as well.  Windows go in Friday.    It is fun watching it all come together and look like what I have pictured in my head.  It looks so good!  We painted a small section of the wall today with the wall and door and possible trim color.  I didn't really like the trim.  So might go back to my other option on that.  But that is why we did a small bit of siding that will be covered up!  :) 

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