
Waiting for Ripples

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Still Construction-ing. And Unpacking

So . . . I was kind of chuckling to myself this morning.  In moving in before our house was totally done, we are living with a few things we normally wouldnt have.  But it is fun and fine just funny.  We still have various contractors wandering in and out.  Inspectors as well.  We have a pile of drills, nails, screws, light bulbs, and various other tool type items on one part of my kitchen counter.  I still am using my levels and stud finder as I put up towel hooks, and various other finishing touch type things.  It has been fine and funny. 
I have a huge stack of boxes now out of the container which are in my guest room that I am slowly going thru.  My purging has been pretty brutal so far and will continue to be.  I have no intention of storing stuff I dont need.  It is kind of a nice feeling to be sorting.  The things you find when unpacking is always interesting though and you wonder "why??"  Yesterday, I opened a box up which I must have gotten from my Mom in May.  Logical that I had  it but weird.  It was a box of my Dad's trip memorobila from visiting Mongolia.  I so wanted to call him up and chat about the stuff in there.  These stab wounds of greif are interesting to process. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013


This is a monumental morning post.  I am sitting in the living room at my new house!  Granted there is currently only one chair in here, but hey, I am here.  Yesterday we finished packing up the shipping container that has been in our yard at our other house and moved it over here.  We didn't get much unloaded out of it last night, but enough to camp in our new house.  Somehow the sheets for our bed were thrown farther up in the container and so we slept in sleeping bags on our mattresses.  Got my sons bed put together and made up - I had his sheets.  We had inspections called in for finals this week and the inspectors hadn't shown up by the end of the week and we decided we were moving anyway.  So we did.  We have some help coming today and so should be able to get the container unloaded and furniture put in the correct locations.  It should be a busy day.  I am planning to unpack into the guest room and sort from there.  I am kind of in the purging mode and so plan to take anything I don't need or want to the dump / thrift store / garage sale / etc.  It is so nice to be moving into our very own house. 
We hadn't really realized how much we have felt like we were camping and in temporary mode for the last few years.  Really about since we moved back.  We did a ton of fixing up on the house and ranch, but it was not really ours alone and so while we took ownership of it, we knew it wasn't ours and that we would be moving.  Our temporary stay there lasted so much longer than we thought it would and so kept us in the "camping" stage.  As we were unloading some stuff yesterday it just felt so different.  Like this is OUR house, OUR home.  We love to host people and here we have the ability to do that and God has blessed us with a beautiful home and location to do it in.  We are thrilled!  It has been a lot of fun, and a lot of work getting to this stage but we are finally here.  I am sure it will continue to be an adventure as we pioneer our place, but we are definitely excited to be here.  Living off the grid should be interesting especially in the snow.  Yesterday it was cloudy and the solar panels were snow covered and so we had to turn the generator on right off the bat.  But our house is warm.  We have insulation!  What a novel idea.  And this wood stove puts out a lot of heat.  We really wanted to get moved in before the weekend as the highs for the next several days are only in the 20's. 
I will try to post some pictures once we have some furniture in the living room - where the chop saw was not too long ago.  :)  Our cell phones don't work all that well here - though we do get messages kind of.  But the Internet is up and running.