
Waiting for Ripples

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Still Construction-ing. And Unpacking

So . . . I was kind of chuckling to myself this morning.  In moving in before our house was totally done, we are living with a few things we normally wouldnt have.  But it is fun and fine just funny.  We still have various contractors wandering in and out.  Inspectors as well.  We have a pile of drills, nails, screws, light bulbs, and various other tool type items on one part of my kitchen counter.  I still am using my levels and stud finder as I put up towel hooks, and various other finishing touch type things.  It has been fine and funny. 
I have a huge stack of boxes now out of the container which are in my guest room that I am slowly going thru.  My purging has been pretty brutal so far and will continue to be.  I have no intention of storing stuff I dont need.  It is kind of a nice feeling to be sorting.  The things you find when unpacking is always interesting though and you wonder "why??"  Yesterday, I opened a box up which I must have gotten from my Mom in May.  Logical that I had  it but weird.  It was a box of my Dad's trip memorobila from visiting Mongolia.  I so wanted to call him up and chat about the stuff in there.  These stab wounds of greif are interesting to process. 

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