
Waiting for Ripples

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sand . . .

Sand Blasted rocks.  People travel thousands of miles to see these truly spectacular and amazing works of art.  Created by sand blown and blasted for years at these enormous rocks.  Hollowing them...cutting them...wearing away at the weak spots... creating new cracks...working and wearing them down.  A thing of beauty.  A work of art.  All done with sand and wind.  No wonder we use a sand blaster if we want to get something truly clean.  Truly abrasive. We got to travel to Arches National Park near Moab on our way to a friends wedding in Colorado.  Our first true American Road trip.  It was fun.  We stopped where we were when it was time and we saw some incredibly beautiful country.  Impressive!  Spectacular.  Amazing! 
Another stop on this road trip was my favorite though.  We stopped at what is now a reservoir out of Vernal, UT and hiked about 1.5 miles in really hot weather to see big dinosaur tracks.  They were footprints left over from some bygone time when these huge creatures roamed the earth.  Talk about something you would not want to meet in the dark!  Or the light either for that matter!  Obviously they had walked through the wet sand which had then hardened and turned to stone and these tracks remain and the bones remain to bear evidence.  These were impressive to look at!  A bit scary to think of these creatures walking around right here.  But so cool!   

Kind of got me thinking though... Scary these days!  :)  Sand and wind are what wore away these great stones and while making them more beautiful also made them weaker.  What is wearing away at me? What sand and wind are beating on my life.  It seems there has been plenty of that lately.  Life throws interesting things at us.  How do we hold up to them?  Sometimes well.  Sometimes not so much.  But keep on going.  Knowing that this verse holds truth about how important we are to the one who created us . . . and the dinosaurs!

17 How amazing are your thoughts concerning me, O God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand
    when I awake, I am still with you.    Psalm 139:17 & 18

He already knows what life is going to throw at us.  And what our reactions will be.  He knows when we will fall.  He knows when we will stand.  And is right there to help us up or cheer us on!

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