
Waiting for Ripples

Friday, August 15, 2014

This years Shock!

I really should have posted this about a month ago, but simply was not quite brave enough to. 
As many of you all know, after my son was born in making his dramatic and very traumatic entrance into this world I have never been too excited about the idea of having any more kids.  After two miscarriages I was pretty sure that was the end of that project and was quite content with my one!  Needless to say though  the IUD stayed in place to do its job.  So it came as an incredible shock to see on the ultrasound screen, when I went in to check out some things, a small baby right next to the IUD, hanging out and growing and very healthy.  The range of emotions has been wide and rollercoasterish.   From Anger, to shock, to complete disbelief, with petrified being the constant.  I so desperately wanted to call Dad.  I so do not want to go down this path again.  But, I am, so I am getting used to it a little bit.  Still not too excited, but I can at least think about it without crying.   Not a whole lot I can do about it – I guess that is why it takes a while to grow a baby.  I think I will get to the excited stage sometime before he gets here.  Anyway, I did have a genetic test done to see if there was anything going on that way = and HE is healthy and fine.  And yes, he is a HE.  That was a good bit of news.  We have been thinking on names.  Thinking on how to have a baby room in a house I just designed and finished building for 3.  He is due on Dec. 3.  But will be a planned C-section, a little earlier.  My 10 year was shocked – though I don’t think as much as his Mom, and he is excited too.  So that is good.  I did not tell him until he was back from his trip.  I had an ultrasound on July 8th.  So far, I am looking mostly normal depending on what shirt I wear.  I can wear my regular jeans that were about to be too big, but were still comfortable.  I have only gained about 5 pounds, but he is beginning to readjust my insides.  So far this has been a great pregnancy as far as that goes.  No sickness or anything. 
     Based on that Due date Christmas and Thanksgiving will be interesting this year. 

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