
Waiting for Ripples

Monday, August 22, 2011

Adventure Continued

The adventure continues.
Our team had a day of rest and went to church and some relaxed for the afternoon and some went and worked on a few projects and some sightseeing.  Dad Deckers luggage was still not arrived.  But we got a note from Mom saying that it was on the way.  The man in San Francisco who she had talked to was going to get it on its way!  Yeah!!!  So it finally arrived on Monday.  Dustin and Dad drove out to the airport to collect it on Monday.  While they were collecting luggage, the rest of the group went to the black market.  We were in at  10:30 out by 12:30 and all arrived and left accounted for and with no one getting mugged or really taken advantage of.  We were so grateful to have Dad’s luggage as we were able to take it and all the other craft and other supplies we still had left over and take them all to our next destination.  We were doing the same VBS – Vacation Bible School – for a different bunch of Missionary Kids - MKs.  A retreat for the mission group that we worked with while we were in Mongolia.  What an adventure. 
We rode the bus up on Tuesday morning – after the bus driver finally found where we were staying.  We had of course all actually been ready to go on time this morning and ready and the bus driver did not get good directions and was an hour late!  But anyway – we were found!  We had a wonderful, fast, bumpy drive for 2 hours up to the retreat center.  We were informed ehre that we would have hot water for a while every 2 hours during the day.  Shower spaces were shared by all, so take your shower and keep moving so others can shower as well.  Very doable.  We were shown to our rooms.  Everyone was good with that.  We found our space for the kids program to be a very large concrete ger.  Laid out in the traditional style of the Mongolian Ger, but on a grand scale, it was huge.  We set to work transforming it into a beach party wanting to happen!  Very Fun!  We had nets, beach animals, tons of beach balls, beach towels, sea shells, a hula skirt, and lots of other beach themed decorations!  The kids were thrilled and the parents loved it to.  We did many fun games, told Bible stories, and talked of how we are continuing on the answer to the prayers of Hudson Taylor in his prayers for China and Mongolia.  We also did loads of crafts.  This was extremely fun as Mongolia is kind of at the end of a limited supply chain.  BUT, since the suitcase with lots of craft supplies had arrived in time, we felt free to say, yes, make two or four or however many you want of this craft, because we had plenty to spare!  It was a joy at the end of the retreat as well to be able to pass on this wealth of supplies to the long term missionaries and their families who could use them on through the year. 
Only a few people got very sick and that was good.  There were several people on medicine for travelers stomach bug, but that was really all.  No one got hit by a car – another miracle! 
The day after we arrived back we enjoyed a day of touristing.  We went to the Natural History Museum and saw all the interesting taxidermy, and the huge collection of Dinosaur bones.  Kase had lots of fun showing people around this museum as he loves that place!  Uncle Marvin came with us as well, an extra special treat for him!  We went for a wonderful lunch and then out to the Mary & Martha shop for some interesting shopping for souvenirs.
Sunday afternoon we enjoyed a wonderful lunch with Diana and then divided up to go different places.  Some of the guys went to the rescue house project to finish up their project there and some of us went back to the ger camp to pack up.  The whole team flies out on Monday.  Spent Monday packing, and visiting a few last places.  Everyone off safely and home! 

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