
Waiting for Ripples

Friday, August 26, 2011

HOT welcome!

As you know, I just got home from a 3 week trip.  Well, as I left our nearest town, I saw smoke from out our way, as I got closer I realized it was on the big hill behind our house.  Well, I drove on up to talk to the Fire Department that was on the top of the hill.  It seemed that the fire was not too big, but soon the wind picked up and the whole ridge was burning.  The wind was being very helpful to the fire, and not the firefighters.  The fire blazed down off the hill and there were lots of fire equipment.  It was interesting to watch.  Kase enjoyed watching the helicopter and his bucket doing their job.  It definitly kept us awake for the evening. We were very blessed by having several neighbors come to check on us as well.  It never seemed that the fire would get to the house, but may get close.  But the wind died down eventually and the total acres burned is around 2000.  I eventually went to bed, but talked to a fireman before I did.  He pulled up in the driveway with lights on and asked if it would be fine if they were there for the night.  As I could still see a red line of flame going up the hill it sounded like a good idea.  I told him I would leave the door open and if he needed to wake me up - so come on in and as I was on the wrong time zone, he might have to shake me, but I would wake up. 

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