
Waiting for Ripples

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The only Constant is Change

I was reading a website the other day that had a lot of interesting sayings on it and this one caught my eye.  I think because that is how I have felt lately.  But then what really struck me was that although right now, I may feel like my world is in an out of control tailspin and everything is changing I know the one CONSTANT in life!  I have felt in my soul a peace that I have never known before.  My outside senses and layers closer to the surface of my life may be spinning but the deep down part of me is at peace!  Like my core is in the eye of the storm that seems to be raging around me right now.  It has been interesting.  It is like the "Footprints" poem - I think I know that I am being carried.  Where God can and sometimes does say to the Storm of life - "Peace, be still".  But sometimes he instead calms His Child. "My Peace I give to you."  I am definitely feeling the "Peace on earth"  It is a peace that passes understanding!  This is even in the last month, when life has taken it on the chin.  I have cried more in the last month, than in the last several years.  It does not take much to make me cry either.  It has been rough!  It has been a little hard getting ready for Christmas, but good and fun at the same time.  I didn't decorate much this year, I had already packed my ornaments, but I did get presents wrapped! 

An update on my Dad.  We are all meeting there in Reno, for Christmas.  Should be a fun, but bittersweet time as well.  All my siblings will be there and even my Grandpa.  My Dad was doing very well with the first two weeks of treatments but the third week - apparently typically hard - has been a rough one!  Much weaker, more slurring of words.  I am sure frustrating to him as he is so concise!  My Mom is doing wonderful!  She is a huge support to Dad and has been taking care of herself though as well.  She went to the Chiropractor and was told she should probably be getting a massage at least once a week, something we had been encouraging too! 

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us!  We definitely feel it!  Please pray for the kids. I think that for me, and my brother, right now it is hard to picture our kids growing up without their grandpa in their lives.  So pray for us, and them. 
Merry Christmas!

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