
Waiting for Ripples

Friday, February 10, 2012

Grey & Hiding it

So I have decided that stress and grey hair go together!  When we lived in Mongolia, I would pluck a few every once in a while, and not seem to have re-occurrences. When we were home on home assignments it seemed they were a little more prevalent, but would go back to blond or stay at a lower number so they could be mistaken for blond.  This method of non-issue has worked well until the other day.  Apparently my last two months stress level has not been level but a spike with a very sharp curve.  I don't think I could pluck them all!  Yikes!  The white is showing too much!  So, I guess we are going to have to start with the hiding highlights and see how that works for me. 

We are planning to head down to see Dad in a couple of days.  The last few weeks have been rough, but Mom has wanted her own time, but I think that may be coming to an end.  Dad might need more care and Mom more time.  So will see how this next couple of months look.  We have Doctor appointments next week on Thursday and so maybe we will have a few more answers then. So please be in prayer for us all!  It is starting to show for us all.  Life is interesting. 

 There doesn't seem to be dull time.  We are looking to put a pivot on our new place.  House plans are getting drawn up.  YEAH!  There are some serious lookers at the ranch we are currently living on which is very exciting!  I packed some more boxes the other day and put them in my shipping container to move to our new place.  At least we are not bored!

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