
Waiting for Ripples

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sizes... What is BIG?

In my family I am the smallest person.  All my siblings are taller.  My one nephew has passed me up and I figure that most of them will as my son is now trying to as well.   And in reality will pass me sooner than later.  In my husband’s family though, I am as tall or taller than all the men.  As I have worked out and worked hard all my life I am pretty strong as well and not a small delicate frame.  Making me a capable and active person.  I enjoyed this last couple of years  in projects.  Of making a dream into a reality.  Turning pictures in my head into one on the ground.  My size didn’t hurt in getting things done even if the contractors did call me an elf. 

As we have been traveling the last few days we have seen a variety of sizes.  In people for sure.  But also in man made things.  We flew out of Boise on a medium size plane.  Still seating over 250 people.  In Denver  landing on a runway near a newer airport.  Also huge.  Arriving Miami and walking – according to Mom’s pedometer over a half mile one way to get to the other end of the baggage claim area.  Feeling small.  Arriving at the docks to find our boat.  Semi –trucks and shipping containers – full sized – usually seeming huge now dwarfed by the gigantic ship.   Huge cargo ships next dock over.  Dwarfing the cranes and containers.  The true meaning of PanaMAX.  Getting on a cruise ship is like moving into a new town.  Wandering around a bit lost.  Figuring out where to go for what.  Important things like where is the stateroom.  The kids play area.  The promenade deck that you can make 3 laps around and you have walked a mile.  A big ship.  19 decks. Most you can enter.  Some are not full decks, but still a big boat.  A floating city.  As we left Miami though and are now a whole days sailing from the mainland you realize how small we really are.  As people.  Here we are on the seemingly huge boat and now in the middle of the VAST ocean feeling so small.  So insignificant.  So puny.  So vulnerable.  In the big picture of the world we are so tiny.  And yet all our thoughts are important.  There is a BIG God who does care for each and every one of us.  Who wants us to make good choices.  Who desires us to follow him.  Who cares about us more deeply than we can imagine.  Truly amazing. 

On the Boat

 The sea here is so incredibly blue.  Dark. Rich. Today it was choppy and Mom was a bit seasick.  So not so fun.  I was fine.  I do pretty good in the bad ocean.    Lots of people on this boat.  Lot of people who are older.  Folks who are drinking way too much.  People who have no business wearing 2 piece bathing suits wearing them and laying out in the sun.  Funny.  Older people.  Younger folks.  A few families.  Not too many kids.  Pretty quiet.  Interesting entertainment.  Interesting people.  Met several folks from Oregon.  A guy this morning from Idaho.  So near at home.  Meeting in the Caribbean.  Good Food.  Almost all you can eat at almost any time.  And very good.  A variety of options.  Different cultures food.  Today there was Indian curry.  Good.  And of course seafood.  Seafood is always amazing of course.  Dad always  said that if we are within 400 miles of the ocean always is a good chance of having good seafood.  As we are on the ocean I guess we are close enough.  Salmon omelets for breakfast.  Shrimp for dinner.  I am a lover of seafood.  So is my family and so we are all very much enjoying that!  We have been having fun meeting some of our fellow travelers.  Our son is enjoying the fun activities on the kids program.  As we did school ahead all we have to do is math.  This is making his vacation wonderful.  It has been fun.  We have been playing some games and reading some interesting books.  Played croquet on the rocking deck number 19.  Made for some new creative rules as our “lawn” was rocking.  We have walked the deck and enjoyed the sun.  It was supposed to be 7 degrees at home and so wearing a tank top and sandals sounds and feels amazing! Our room is small and not too interesting.   We are enjoying the outside and the decks and all.  It is warm and so being outside has been so fun.  Working on my tan.  Haven’t gotten burned yet.  A bit pink.    

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Dedication ... In Honor ...

Monday this week was a wonderful day but a different one.  A dedication of a gift.  A Legacy passed on to many. A Legacy outlives a life.  A Legacy continues.  The Gift continues to give.  We as a family were so blessed to share a day of life with friends and family.  Good friends with lots of support and love.  We enjoyed a day of fun and memories shared.  Dedicated a plane to send to Indonesia with MAF.  In memory of my Dad.  MAF made the day very special with a couple of speeches, some interesting tours and presentations.  Thank you to so many who worked to make the day possible.  Thank you to all my friends who came and showed support to me, to my family.  Thank you to my Dad.  A memory shared of a life lived well. A legacy passed on.  One who loved much and passed on that love and those gifts.  Thank you Dad. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Writing . . . Notes . . .

Notes are funny.  They sometimes mean things and have history others would understand and sometimes... Not so much.  Grocery lists.  Questions that need an answer. Important things on good paper - or a post it note.  We all have distinctive handwriting.  Some legible. Some not.  Some childish.  Cursive. Print. Somewhere in between.  Distinct.  Unique. 

In the last few weeks looking through and working on different things I have discovered notes written by my Grandparents and Dad.  One - a note of history explained on an old horse collar from a harness.  My Grandpas distinctive handwriting telling the history of who bought and used this particular piece of equipment.  Interesting.  Lots of life in that note! As precious as the antique itself.
Another - looking for a card in my card notebook.  My Mom had kept track and sent Birthday cards for us when we lived in Mongolia.  I found a random note stuck in there by my Dad.  Again his distinctive script.  Asking a question to himself that he must have thought of.  Caring.  About me an my family.  A question to ask me.  Wondering.  Always thinking of others.  I could hear him asking the questions.  Thinking the thoughts.  Could read his care in needing the answer. 

Notes . . . I guess we should keep them.  Interesting for people to find.  To see.  To remind.  To bring a smile or a tear.  Not that I am going to keep all my random notes - I write plenty - but it has just been fun and interesting.  Discovering bits of life that brings back memories.  Interesting though.  I was ready to call Dad up and answer his question.  Couldn't.  So that was interesting.  Not quite as raw.  But life.