
Waiting for Ripples

Monday, November 23, 2015

A Year

Somehow a year has flown past and the tiny little bundle that I brought home a year ago is now walking around things, crawling incredibly fast, starting to say words to communicate, having an opinion, giving huge grins, the cutest giggle in the world, and getting new teeth.  How did that happen so fast?  One day at a time I guess.  Z was born 3 weeks early.  A much more planned and sane and easily dealt with C-section than the last one.  No racing down the hall and deer in the headlights look.  He was breech and had the cord around his neck twice.  But he was fine at 5 lbs. 11oz.  Tiny and healthy and fine.  Perfect for those tiny baby pictures that are so cute.  Now he is hard to get a good picture of cause he is always on the move.  Doesn't seem to have any fear.  Climbed out of his crib the other day.  Fortunately he can't get on the furniture yet to fall off of.  It is fun and interesting watching a baby grow and develop.  While he is getting much more independent, there is still so much he relies on me for.  He still wants picked up and carried.  Keeps an eye on his mom.  Gives the biggest grins to his family.  Likes to yell loudly to hear the echo in the Home Depot bathroom.  Just fun.  Cute as cute.  Everyone says so.  And it is true.  Very fun little personality.  Lots of energy.  Good napper.  Loves to visit with people.  Loves animals. 

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