
Waiting for Ripples

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Whats it all about?

            So, as life continues to spin - seemingly out of control, we are realizing how little control we really have even though we tell ouselves that we are in control.  But really there are so many things in life that - while not always left to chance - are definitly left to God who is much Bigger than we are!  He ultimatly makes the decisions.  We are learning what it means when it seems the light at the end of the tunnle is growing brighter for my Dad and realizing that it is HEAVEN.  There is no cure for the type of cancer he has, here, but he will be totally whole again when he gets there.  Such a HOPE! 
           I am still wondering and trying to grasp the thoughts of God on this whole thing.  It seems that it is a wrong way to go out for a man who has followed God all of his adult life, but at the same time to God, our days seem like a puff of smoke. 

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