
Waiting for Ripples

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rocks . . . Treasures . . . Lizard homes

For the last year I have known we would have to come do this . . . And I have not looked forward to it. We came to Elko to go through the stuff at my Dads office. Wasn't quite as raw as last time. Only a small part of me expected to find my Dad at the office. But still a bit off.
We found a lot of rocks! Surprise! Surprise! As Dad was a geologist this was not surprising but a little funny. We found meticulously labeled core samples, boxes of example rocks to take to schools for science, unlabeled rocks, sample bags from all over the west, rock samples taken and catalogued before I was born. Some taken in the last few years. Fossils. Arrowheads. Shiny rocks. Dull boring rocks. Crystal geodes. Black obsidian. Rocks of all shapes and sizes with labels from meticulous to nonexistent. It was an interesting bit of life. Going back in time in rocks. Wondering on some what was the story here?Why this stone? What is this? Just interesting to look and wonder. We took some rocks for our landscaping project. Some went to a local school. Then many boxes of them became landscaping rocks in the backlot at Dads office. They are the beautiful new home to the quick little lizards that live back there. They are extremely fast and hard to catch. Fun to watch as they dart. But I doubt they care if there was once high hopes pinned on their new home. That at some point the rocks that now make their rooms were once thought to contain treasure.  And maybe they do or did.  It would be interesting to know the history of and what has happened since to the place where these rocks were from.  The stories they could tell would be interesting.  Who knows . . . maybe the lizards will hear them.

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