
Waiting for Ripples

Friday, August 30, 2013

Trash and Treasures

I have heard it said many times that one mans trash is the treasure of another.  But sometimes it still is just trash.  We recently purchased some storage units.  They are in good shape structurally, but need some TLC.  Some cosmetic help.  Some clean-up.  So once more my friend Crispin and I were working on a project.  This was by far the dirtiest project we have done and we were so glad to be done with it.  Often we wondered why in the world people would leave _____________?  Several units had been totally abandoned and just needed cleaned out.  We rented a dump trailer and filled it 5 times in a day and a half.  You know it is bad when the ladies who weigh your truck in and out at the dump know you!   There was simply a lot of trash.  One unit was full of boxes of hangers.  Several of just garbage.  Stuff in boxes.  Stuff loose.  Bills. Pictures. Clothing. Papers. Toys. Shoes. A fake Christmas tree. Baskets. Boxes. Bins. More paper. Cans. Bottles. Tires. We did not find any treasure.  We were not looking too hard though.  We did look in the purses for money.  Didn't find any.  But we were not sorting.  We were not really interested.  We were cleaning out junk and fast.  It was hot and I am sure we did not smell too good.  I have laughed though at how many people have asked me if we sorted through it to find treasure.  "haven't you seen that show ...."  No I haven't seen the show and even if I had I don't think I would have changed my tune.  We were getting rid of someone else's trash and it was not treasure... just trash. 

When we were just down at my Grandpas funeral my husband went up to Grandpas neighbor who had been keeping some stuff for Grandpa.  We thought a box or two and two chainsaws.  Instead the whole back of my pickup was full.  And they did not bring some of the stuff that clearly was already just trash.  But maybe in the stuff he brought there would be some treasure.  There was.  Some of both.  Some tins of food - with my Grandma's writing from before her stroke!  At least 8 years old.  But antique tins.  Throw out the contents.  A bunch of tools.  Some I am sure belonging in a museum.  Treasures.  Trash.  Sometimes the line between the two is very fine!  And other times like at our storage units it is very definite. 

1 comment:

  1. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find the prince....must be the same with "treasures" or "trash"..... Love, mom
