
Waiting for Ripples

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Out with your boots on

I have always wondered about the phrase "going out with my boots on" and I think I am beginning to figure it out.  It is going out doing what you love, with those you love around, at peace with the world and everyone.  Not necessarily the way everyone gets to go out, but shouldn't we all live"like you were dying"???  Because really we are.  But we have a hard time admitting it.  I cried more today and so much that my eyes feel full of sand.  The reds of my eyes hurt.  But I feel like in the last year my Dad has gotten to do a lot of the things that would help him to "go out with his boots on" though I know that none of us would have chosen this process for the actual going!  He got to take some of his family to Alaska and introduce all the older grand kids to a place he loved!  He got to visit the smaller grand kids and enjoy good time with them in their new house.  He was at a dinner for a new Bible School in Reno the night before we found out abut the cancer.  He went to Mongolia - on a mission trip - another thing he loved and supported for years - in August with my family.  He got a new business partner to help with moving his company forward.  He went hunting with his family.  He was able to attend Grandpa Whitney's wedding to show his support.  He was able to see another step forward in the pit for his business.  He had a wonderful Christmas with all his family around him.  A few people came to him to make their peace after finding out about his cancer.  He got to see the next steps forward and help plan them for his family.  We are truly and richly blessed!

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