
Waiting for Ripples

Saturday, December 29, 2012


My two elves showed up again today.  What a fun treat.  We all worked hard all day and got all the laminate on the tops of all the kitchen cupboards and island.  It looks so good!  We were quite impressed with ourselves.  The glue was pretty stinky and so we were all a bit off, but we all had fun and enjoyed working together.  These two guys have been a huge blessing and joy to have around and working on this project.  The time spent has been fun.  Cris and I have done a lot of the finish work ourselves.  Well truly, he has done the work and I have been his little elf, and go-fer,  but we have enjoyed the time working with them both.  It is fun to work with someone who knows so well what they are doing.  Watching Crispin build is like watching an artist paint, skilled and creative. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

This is my first Christmas without my Dad.  It has been such a long and interesting and challenging year.  It is odd to think that just last year at this time we were beginning the roller coaster we have been on and we all have survived.  It is interesting to continue through this process of grief and figuring out what our new "normal" for life is.  And the things that continue to ambush us as we go through life.  Like at our new house the other day as I was cleaning the floors and just about was crying to know how much I was missing my Dad and the things I missed talking to him about.  How much  he would love my new house and how excited he would be to be a part of it.  He would love to have taken my son and gone traipsing up through the rocks hunting fossils and gold or cool rocks and cougars.  But we have plans for a Merry Christmas although he isn't here.  I wonder how they celebrate Christmas in Heaven?

Gaining Ground

Laying Carpet
 We have been busy, busy this last few weeks but have made huge progress.  It is funny to think that 3 weeks ago, I had no sheet rock.  Just insulation.  Now I have sheet rock and paint.  We finished trimming the windows and doors last week and they look beautiful!  Used Alder wood for all the casings as I found it on a really good deal as door casings.  We had to rip them down to size but they are so pretty.  I didn't realize what a good deal I had gotten on them at 50 cents a food until we went to get some wider pieces for our window sills.  These were $50 for a 10 foot stick in Alder.  WOW!  We went with Cedar as it is much cheaper.  It looks just fine at about 1/4 the cost.
The carpet guy came on Tuesday and successfully put carpet down in all appropriate places.  It looks perfect.  Totally matches my paint and trim is a good fit.  Then we set all our kitchen cabinets and started on the bathroom and laundry and other cabinet locations as well.  We have been putting in long days, but it has been fun as well.  Especially to be able to know we are almost done.  Appliances arrived this week as well and we got them all set in place.  The big excitement for the week thou was turning on the lights!  The solar guys finally finished and we had power.  The batteries were not all charged up so it only worked for a while but it was so nice to turn on the lights. 
Staging area for trim

 Crispin was able to come back a couple days this week as well and we got a lot done.  We put
cabinets up and we started on the resilient flooring downstairs.  It looked so good with our carpet and trim and everything is tying together so well!  The floor is a bit darker than I had pictured but it really does look like old barn wood.  The darkness of it really is making the knots in my Alder trim stand out and it is beautiful.  We used the chop saw and rip saw for cutting it instead of the Utility knife recommended in the directions and it worked well.  Again I was getting my workout running up and down the stairs.  But it was fun.  Then Cris and Nick came one day that they knew I wasn't going to be there and quite surprised me by getting the whole upstairs flooring completely finished.  They had to have been flying!   

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Crews

 We have been BUSY this last few weeks.  The other day I counted 11 different vehicles at our place working on various things.  Yesterday we had the Solar guys there, and the electricians, and the well pump setter as well as my A team one man and his "elf" crew.  I am the elf.  We were putting up trim.  The basement is done.  All the doors in the house are hung.  They look so good.  We are ripping Alder 1x6's and using them for the trim.  It is beautiful!  The doors are Alder as well and the effect when finished is stunning!  We are planning to finish up the trim today and then hopefully set cabinets this evening.  So that should be fun.  I am at this point seriously not expecting to be in by Christmas, but we are sure giving this project a good shot. 

We have laughed and found annoying or interesting many parts of this project.  We have found that there are various levels of competency of subcontractors.  We had a crew come build our shed and they did a fine job, but I wouldn't have wanted them to build my house.  The electricians can put up lights faster than I could get the box open.  The solar guys are taking longer than I thought possible to get stuff done.  Cris can give me measurements to cut trim faster than I can think and cut with the chop saw.  We have been having a lot of fun though.  It is starting to look like a real house and that is exciting.  I think we are all ready to be done with the project and moved in.  I am having fun learning how to use and become somewhat profficient with all these power tools!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Decking. . . Sheetrock. . . Paint. . . Doors

Our deck is done.  It is huge and beautiful and took FOREVER to screw on, but now it is finally done!  We were waiting for the sheet rock guy and so we hired a friend to help us on our deck.  He came and knew what he was doing and had fun building our deck.  I helped him a lot.  I was the go-for elf.  I got to use the new cordless 18V drills and really liked them.  We had a lot of fun working together and got a lot done at the same time.  I  would do school and then come over and work on the deck with him.  Dustin was working on water lines.
This last week we finally got the sheet rock and mudding, taping and texture done at our house.  Today, we painted and hung doors.  Things are really moving along although it seems like forever but really it isn't.  I don't have inside pictures of the paint because it was quite dark and I was quite white by the time we were done.  But we had fun and we got it done. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

No more walking thru walls!

 Sheetrock arrived this week and was installed! Cant walk thru the walls any more at the house.   Now am waiting on another inspection - a sheet rock one before I can mud, tape and textures. But it will get done this week.  I hope to have a painted interior with doors hanging by the end of the week.  Will see if that happens or not.  :)  The porch roof arrived finally this week as well so that side of the house is finally almost done now.  That should finish up the exterior.  Will be great.  We worked on the water lines getting them buried and glued together and everything this week.  That has been a project and the rain is actually not helping.  Though it is very muddy now.  All that dust in the summer has officially turned to muddy mud. 
 Sticky muddy mud.  Fun for little boys though.  Our friend
who came over today brought his son and our two boys played all day!  They had a ball.  The weather was not too cold and so they wandered all over the hills, rocks, pastures, explored forts and just had a ton of fun.  Dustin worked on the water lines and Cris and I worked on the deck.  We got about 1/3 of the way done and had a good rhythm going.  I also cleaned up a bunch of sheet rock dust.  I am not trying to do a really great cleaning job as the next job is mudding - which just sounds dirty!  But I was at least cleaning next to the walls.  I think I will have to finish that tomorrow though.  Am also planning to put down the tiles for our hearth pad and work on the deck.  Should be fun!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Baloons bound for Heaven
We all celebrated Thanksgiving this week.  It was a fun week and a good holiday, but rather odd and interesting at the same time.  Went over to my Moms new house for the holiday.  Stayed in a hotel which was nice, but odd.  Emotions for all of us were right below the surface and we could all cry at the thought of a hat being dropped.  Missing my Dad intensly.  Seems as we are hitting these major landmarks it is just hard.  Last year at Thanksgiving we were all reeling in shock and were at our other parents for Thanksgiving because Christmas was already planned with my folks.  But by Christmas Dad was using a walker and now he has been gone for 7 months.  Seems so hard to beleive.  We sent him Christmas and Thanksgiving baloon notes.  Mom had liked our idea for Dads birthday.  This time there were more of us and more baloons.  We let them go at the park and I am sure they found thier way.  It is just such a hard reality that I cant see him again.  Or until I get to heaven.  I still find myself wanting to call or expecting him to drive up and then reality hits again.  Raw reality and Raw emotions.  But we saw a sign while at my Moms on a church billboard that was so good.  It said - "Get Rich Quick - Count Your BLESSINGS!"  It was so true.  Good reality check.  We really are so very blessed.  I have a family who is loving and supportive.  A Church family who are loving and supportive.  Friends.  A wonderful new place that has lots of work built into it, but lots of potential.  A God who loves me.  A warm house.  Three meals a day.  A car.  And a huge deposit in heaven that while I never would have made that deposit now, he is there and I know it.

New Pictures

 I realized that I have not updated picture for a while. Things have been changing rapidly.  We have sided and put the porches on.  There is not decking down yet, but we are working on that.  We have it there now.  So that is a good start.  All the siding on the sides except for the west is all on and mostly caulked as well.  We have the board and batten look.  It looks really good but it a lot of work for starters.  I have caulked a lot of seams.  But am using the BIG STRETCH caulk.  It is stretchy and interesting to work with, but goes on well.  A bit messy.  But O well.  All plumbing is roughed in.  We passed our electrical inspection on the first go around!  Yeah!  I guess we are pretty good electricians.  The HVAC guys finally got their stuff done and that was nice.  They did a good job and we should have
a nice warm house.  I am excited to have insulation in as well and we should be sheet rocking this week and mudding and taping and texture.  I hope to paint the inside this coming weekend.  The outside should be painted this week sometime and so that
 will look good as well.  I think the whole house will fit more when it is all painted.  We are
 painting it a color called "straw hat".  Kind of matches the dirt colors.  We have been very

blessed to have many people helping us on this big project.  Some with good advice and some with labor.   The other day my Mom told me to be sure to insulate my bathrooms.  This would keep the sounds down from inside and outside them to not feel like you were in a public restroom.  We thought this was great advice and took our extra bits of foam insulation and put them between all the studs around the bathroom.  I am sure we will like the effects of that wisdom for years to come.  We are actually starting to get excited about this house.  We are feeling like there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we will finish.  I am pushing for a pre- Christmas move in.  I am planning to set my tree up over there.  One of our framers, who used to be a custom home builder by trade has offered to take some days off from his company to come help us on our house.  He is a get it done guy and I am sure if we had him for a week, we would get a lot of stuff done! What a blessing!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pushing . . . Waithing . . . . Pulling . . . .

We decided that we could save a lot of money by pulling our own wires for our house.  While I think having a good electrician, and up to code electricity is a very good thing, lets face it pulling wire is a truly grunt work and at $65/hour I can work a little slower and get the job done.  I am not the one getting paid that wage, my electrician is.  I spent lots of time crawling around under my house knocking out knockouts - what a wonderful invention - and poking wire through holes.  It was fun as the beginning of this year in science we were learning about electricity and current and things like that and now we had the opportunity to really make circuits.  We hope!  Reality will show up tomorrow as we have our electrical inspection.  I even pulled wire today for a wired speakers for our TV.  I kind of laughed though as I was pulling them because we are so not that technologically advanced and it would be a huge leap if we were ever to actually use them!  But, you can only have those studs open one time, you might as well pull the wire. 
School in the mornings and early to mid afternoon arrive to work on the house.  It has been an adventure.  The other day though we had a very efficient and effective contractor show up.  He was needed due to a miscommunication about what was needed as far as holes in the foundation to run ducting through.  So he came out and drilled some.  He showed up in a huge truck with a big core drill.  His drilling leavings looked like core samples of my foundation which is exactly what they were.  It was very fun. 
The plan is still to be in by Christmas.  So to do that I need to get the house painted inside and out. After the sheet rock and insulation is all in.  Cabinets in. Trim up.  Doors in. Flooring in.  Plumbing fixtures and trims all set in place.  Closets up and the closet maid hangers in.  Pantry ready. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Before windows

 The windows are supposed to go in tomorrow.  How cool is that!  Well actually it will be nice because it is actually fall and the leaves are starting to change and make us think it might cool down here soon. I love my dining room and living room.  This is truly a great room!  Not in size necessarily, but in view.  It is truly incredible.  I cant wait to move in!  We should be putting in windows and doors soon and then hanging siding.  I painted a couple of patches of siding with my paint options.  I am sticking with the one I thought I would like.  It is the best.  Today the shower and the bathtub arrived.  I got 
a mud room deep sink on clearance and found a couple of great deals on doors.  So that was helpful. Now I just gotta come up with hardware for the doors.  Planning tomorrow to begin pulling wire for outlets and stuff.  Should be fun.  The weather is supposed to be beautiful.  The crew today was putting the last boards up as sheeting on the roof of my porch.  My house is looking like a real place.  It has been such fun making it look so nice.  The inside will be a lot of fun as well.  But a lot of work to go until we get to do that!  But good things come to those who wait and who work! 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Looks like a HOUSE!

I went over to my new house today - I forgot my camera!  So sorry!  But I had so much fun.  Walking through the house and realizing that it is really happening.  There is a house there when 2 months ago were a few colorful flags in the dirt!  The roof was finished being sheeted, the guys were putting up the porch trusses.  The inside walls are all framed.  There were black plumbing pipes in and now I know where my washer and dryer will be.  My HVAC guy showed up today and figured out his stuff too.  I am planning to meet with the electrician on Friday and we are pulling wire  for outlets and lights this weekend.  I think the siding is going on starting this weekend as well.  Windows go in Friday.    It is fun watching it all come together and look like what I have pictured in my head.  It looks so good!  We painted a small section of the wall today with the wall and door and possible trim color.  I didn't really like the trim.  So might go back to my other option on that.  But that is why we did a small bit of siding that will be covered up!  :) 

Sleeping Bags

When most of us think of sleeping bags, we think of warm, cozy, camping, cloth, nothing really sentimental but hopefully good fun memories.  I am beginning to realize on this 6 month anniversary of my Dad's death, how many things he touched in my life.  I feel like the ripples of the pond that is my life, just keep clashing with life.  Someday maybe it will settle back down again, but will be never the same again.  The shoreline has changed, and I have a new island in my life pond that is the rock that was thrown in of my Dads early - to me - death.  Anyway - back to sleeping bags.  When I was little I remember my Dad and older brother coming home from a camping trip - winter scout camp - where they had both froze!  They did not have good enough sleeping bags and got very cold.  I remember Dad, going out and buying 2 warm sleeping bags. One was huge - the other a warm good quality sleeping bag.  He got teased about the huge one by all of us, simply due to its size, that is, until one of us went camping or hunting or something when it might be cold and we asked to use it.  I don't think any of us ever were cold in it.  Neither was Dad.  He had wanted to not get cold camping!  Fast forward several years. . . . . After being cold once while camping Dad wanted to help others avoid that plan.  I know of several boy scouts and others who he either straight out bought sleeping bags for or gave them some work so they could get a good warm sleeping bag.  Last year at hunting season we were talking about sleeping bags and how it was probably about time to get one for my son, a good warm bag.  We didn't go to Cabelas that day and get one, but we talked about it.  This year as hunting season was rolling around, I realized that  getting a good warm bag for him had not got done last year.  While he has a sleeping bag, if we are ever in a place where we think he might be cold, he has always used my sleeping bag.  It is one Dad bought with me before my first Mongolia trip.  It is a WARM -30 down bag.  I love it.  Never have gotten cold in it.  It just wasn't the same going shopping for a sleeping bag with my son.  I felt like someone was missing on our shopping trip.  I know it sounds silly, but it was how I felt.  Yes, life will go on.  Yes, he has a nice warm bag.  But it was just kind of an odd thing to realize and think about.  Something that ambushes you.  Sleeping bags - Who would have thought! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Framing . . . Trusses . . . . Sheeting . . . . O My!

We have interior walls now and lots of framing going on.  Things have really been moving in the last few weeks.  Perspective is a funny thing though.  To us the framers seemed like they were flying along, but to them, they are moving slow.  They are house framers who now work for a pole barn company.  But by trade are house framers.  They are having a fun time building our house, but it has been a bit challenging for them to build a pole house.  But they are enjoying the challenge.  We have been enjoying getting to know them and work with them.  The things we are going to do are

getting close now to starting and we are hoping to be pulling electrical wire next weekend.  Should be fun!            Any volunteers??        We are thinking that we will be moved in by Christmas, but we are shooting for Thanksgiving if at all possible.  But we will see how things go.  I have been loving finding ways to save on this house though.  Craigslist has been wonderful.  Found shelving and a kitchen sink - for under $100 instead of over $1,000! Found all sorts of things to save money on during this process.  That has been a project but a fun one.   Every time we are out at our house though we are marveling at how very peaceful it is.  So wonderful  No noise.  A few cows.  Just peacfull!  It has been a welcome balm to our souls.  We  continue to realize how much our lives are affected by our very long spring, but are also knowing that we must continue moving on.  It is hard to realize though that my Dad will never visit this house, and that he would absolutley love hiking over these hills and rocks and all, but never will.  I am finding I get ambushed by those thoughts and feelings sometimes and it is a painful reality, but still real.     

Friday, September 28, 2012

Ambushed at Hunting season

Last year at hunting season, my Dad was up here hiking all around and visiting, talking about life, the great trip we had to Mongolia last August, about his business and the neat things he could see coming down the line.  Now he is  getting to be in Heaven, and I am missing him here!  It is funny how people are so wrapped up in our lives.  I was thinking who would be coming for hunting season and was ready to have Dad here.  It was one of the "ambushes" that catches you off guard in grief.  I was not even thinking and walked my self right into it.  Of course almost every hunt in my whole life I have been with my Dad, so of course I would automatically put him here.  Last year he was on the floor in my son's room as we had a full house of hunters.  My Dad snored really bad and so my son had put on his shooting ear muffs to sleep in with Grandpa.  My Dad treasured all of us and was a cheerleader to all we did and had going.  He would pick out the how and whys of things and discuss them.  He loved to find what someones dream was and help them get there.  And I miss that!  I will miss our morning hike tomorrow as I go out with my son to hunt.  I will  miss him saying lets just wait here a minute and see what comes up out of this draw.  Pointing out things and just being here.  It will be an  odd year of hunting.  Not because it is too warm.  Not because it is already the end of September, when part of me is still figuring out my new equilibrium. No because my Dad isn't here to laugh and joke, take us up the canyon to see the rocks and put up No Hunting signs.  Simply because there is already a hole in the picture of the hunters.    


So, I am discovering again what I already knew - framing is MUCH faster than concrete work!  It is so nice to  notice noticeable differences every time I show up.  Very fun!  These guys have been hitting it hard and making progress.  Actually since I took this picture yesterday all these boards have floor on them now.  How does that work!  Well! 

I took them all brownies yesterday. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Big Boy Playground

My Son is loving this house building project.  There is so many interesting things to see, do, help with and explore.  Today a big load of sand arrived to level the floor in the basement before we put down the radiant floor heat.  He was having so much fun playing in it, building caves, dumping it through the holes in his knees to fill his pants up with it, bulldozing it around and shoveling it from one place to another.  He has found a new "fort" as all boys need forts.  He has his dump trucks and road graders, bulldozers and diggers over there to play with.  He is having a ball.  Yes, we are keeping school a high priority and getting it done, but we are also enjoying long recess time at our new place learning about life.  When we lived in Mongolia, we built / remodeled a house there as well.  K was 2 and half at the time and completely enjoyed the process.  He pounded nails into whatever with his little hammer and drove his trucks and tractors many miles in the sand pit.  He is now getting the experience but is a bit more able to enjoy and remember than just play.  But life lessons are so crucial and important and it is amazing the things you can learn at a playground!

Good Taste

My husband has always laughed at me when we go shopping together.  We don't usually go shopping to much together as I am not a big shopper.  But, he always teases me about my good taste, I can go into any type - it seems - of store and if we are looking for a particular item I can pick out the most expensive or at least one of the most expensive without ever looking at the price!  Then I usually am shocked at how much it costs.  I have found that this extends into even plumbing fixtures.  I kid you not!  I went in to a plumbing store the other day and looking through a catalogue picked out the fixtures for my house.  Mind you, there were no prices in this book, as this is not a retail store.  I just picked out the ones I wanted him to give me a bid on.  O my!  I never knew that they made sinks  stainless steel, ordinary looking kitchen sinks for over a $1000!  Yes, I am serious!  REALLY!  I was shocked.  I mean really, you wash dishes and potatoes in this!  Honestly!  I guess it gave a new meaning to taking everything but the kitchen sink.  If I payed that much for a sink, I would take it with me!  Light packer that I am not withstanding!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

School , , , House , , , Business , , , Life . . .

Seems all of life is so interconnected.  I feel that I wear lots of hats each day.  Wife, Mom, Teacher, Nurse to little oweys, Sister, Secretary, Librarian, Book keeper, Mom, Daughter,  Contractor, Swim Instructor, Maid,Aunt, Mom, Grand Daughter, Student, Party planner, Director, Counselor, Taxi Driver, Veterinarian, Board Member, Mom  . . . Need I go on ?
Pouring Concrete
Downstairs bedroom

Don't get my wrong, I love all my jobs.  I would not trade any of them.  Sometimes my head hurts from changing so many hats in one day!  I love being a mom!  I love schooling and learning so many new things as we go through life.  I just wish someone would level out that learning curve a bit on some of the new responsibilities.  I am pretty sure it is not curving back on itself, but sometimes it feels that way.  School this year is so far going SO well!  WE are having so much fun and learning so many new things.  It is incredible the amount of stuff I never knew or only knew until that test that has since escaped my brain . . . or is that what all these new gray hairs are from is??  LOL!  But seriously we are totally enjoying ourselves!  We are in the days of American expansion across the continent, slavery, mountain men, right before the gold rush, and the underground railroad.  Exciting and sad times in our history.  But so important.  We are also learning about electricity, and currents and light bulbs with small D cell batteries.  Hmm . . . I wonder if we could do our electricity for our house. . . . .

Moving on . . .  Our foundation is almost done!  Yeah!  3 weeks late!  But, concrete is slow!  I am thinking that the next step of framing and putting up the exterior is going to go so fast.  I would bet 10 days or so and that will be done.  So we are excited abut that!   Maybe we will get moved by Christmas . . . I am not holding my breath though!  I am having fun looking for good deals on fixtures and that sort of stuff for this house though!  That is the fun part. 

We are doing better with life in general.  I think starting school and getting a little more routine has been good.  Vacation is wonderful and we got to see and do a lot this summer, but, life must go on.  There are still lots of times per week that I get "ambushed" by something that has me ready to call Dad and chat about whatever, or however important or not the item is it is always the kicked by a mule feeling in your gut, that, OW, I cant just make that phone call any more.  Sometimes that just makes me cry.  And that is OK.  Even though I don't really like to cry, I do, and that is OK.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Foundations . . . . . . and waiting

I have been waiting on the concrete guy for my foundation for the last month.  I had been hoping to have my foundation for my birthday.  But no dice.  So now am waiting . . .  and waiting . . . and waiting.  It is finally getting poured tomorrow!  At least the footings are starting and then walls on Friday is the plan.  Decking around the floors etc. start on Monday.  So now I think the pace is going to considerably pick up.  Especially as I am supposed to be in there for Thanksgiving dinner the pace must pick up.  I think this will be an interesting process.  Will see how it goes!  One thing surprised us was the amount of dirt making a huge pile that came out of the hole.  Now what do we do with it?  So I guess it is added to the "to-do" list.  Now we need to find where to put a bunch of dirt.  We were also quite thrilled as we did not find any large car size boulders in the spot we wanted to put our house.  As there are a bunch up on the hill it was a distinct possibility.  I guess waiting is not a bad thing and things that you get as soon as you want them are usually not as satisfying as the things you wait for and work on and build and dream about.  So we are excited to finally be starting this process!

Holes in the floor of Heaven

Tomorrow is my Dad's Birthday.  How do you celebrate it when he had recently died.  You have to acknowledge it.  But celebrate?  With tears?  How do you send a card?  We sent a card written on a helium balloon to heaven for Grandpa.  Not quite the same as calling and saying Hi.  But it seemed like a good idea.  My son thought it was a great idea and loved the idea.  Was thrilled to send a card.  So then was wondering if Grandpa would be able to get it and if he would send one back to us.  Happy Birthday Dad.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Words of Wisdom

I love word art on walls.  I have been thinking through decorating my house - even though the foundation forms are just getting done this week!!  But anyway I am planning ahead.  :)  I found lots of interesting statements and words of wisdom as I was looking and thought I would post them here for comment.

A boy is truth with dirt on its face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubblegum in its hair and the Hope of the future with a frog in its pocket. - Alan Beck

A little boy is the only thing God can use to make a man.

The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home - Harold B. Lee

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time but you can never fool your Mom.

The fondest memories are made when gathered around the table.

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere. -Frank A. Clark

In this home... We do second chances. We do grace. We do real. We do mistakes. We do I'm sorry. We do loud really well. We do hugs. We do family. We do prayers. We do faith. We do love.

Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results. - John Dewey

Family is not letting petty differences get in the way of anything. It is about being true to yourself. It is about experiencing new adventures by entering the realm of others.

What a child doesn't receive he can seldom later give. - P.D. James

The world is but a canvas to the imagination. –Thoreau

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas Edison

Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your schools are the work of many generations. All this is put in your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive, honor it, add to it, and one day faithfully hand it on to your children.  -Albert Einstein

He who never made a mistake never made a discovery. -Samuel Smiles

Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater. Albert Einstein

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. - Wayne Gretzky

If you think education is expensive - try ignorance. - Derek Bok

I do not understand the mystery of grace--only that it meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us. -Anne LaMott

The art of teaching is the art of assisting in discovery.

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. -Edward Abbey

To invent you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. Thomas Edison

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas Edison

Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up noses, and some don't turn up at all. -Sam Ewing

Never let the fear of striking out get in your way. - Babe Ruth

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. -Albert Einstein

The only person who cannot be helped is that person who blames others. -Carl Rogers

The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things. -Plato

We're glad to have you as our guest, And hope you have a good night's rest. Tomorrow you again may roam, But while you're here just feel at home.

Education is what you get from reading the fine print. Experience is what you get from not reading the fine print.

Pay attention and you will learn something new every day of your life.

Once in the midst of a seemingly endless winter, I discovered within myself an invincible spring.

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the Most of everything.

Trees are not known by their leaves, nor even by their blossoms, but by their fruits. -Eleanor of Aquitaine

Expressing anger is a form of public littering. Willard Gaylin

Mistakes are the portals of discovery. - James Joyce

I always prefer to believe the best of everybody - it saves so much trouble. -Rudyard Kipling

A person is only as big as the dream they dare to live.

The man who has no imagination has no wings.-Muhammad Ali

No one would ever have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in the storm. -Charles Kettering

Live life in such a way that you can leave life with a shout of glory.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

House update

I have had a long spring as you know if you read very far in this blog.  We had been planning to start building a house in February and life started imploding.  So house project took a very far back burner.  Almost totally out of the kitchen really.  Family came first and as we had a house that is very adequate to live in we have stayed there and commuted to take care of cows, irrigation, etc.  We think our brains are kind of starting to work now and so we are going to try to push this house project idea along again.  I got a building permit last week!  Yeah!  The road up to my house sight is almost done.  Should finish tomorrow.  I hope to meet with the contractor out there tomorrow or Friday to put new flags in the ground for our corners of the house.My husband pushed the old house out of the way, but did not light it on fire as it is SO dry everywhere.  My son and I moved some of the boards that we wanted to use to make something with or decorate with for our new house.  Maybe some trim or something.  Very neat looking.  Rattlesnake under that pile of boards.  Snake shot in a 9mm works really well.  I did put up our road address numbers at our entrance gate.  How cool is that!!  We also have the pond finished now and it looks really good.  Has been tried and tested by little boys and given two thumbs up of approval.    Now I just need to find some fish.  So I think things will be starting up with this project and get going here shortly.  Should be a fun next adventure!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


It has been interesting, sometimes painfully so, working through the ramifications of my Dad's death.  It has been a learning curve that is painfully steep, I sometimes feel like I have been emotionally thrown at a brick wall and that is the curve I am supposed to climb.  As my siblings and I work together in a totally different capacity it has been revealing of all of us how we think and work.  All of us are very competent people.  All of us bring different backgrounds, experiences, jobs, thoughts, ideas and strengths and weaknesses to the table.  As we sort through things and jobs, life, memories, time, and events it is intriguing to watch how much different we are and yet at the core our beliefs and values are the same.  We all value and deeply love our families.  We all have a deep faith in God and a Hope in Him as well.  These are the core values that are the same in each of us.  But as a team we have many strengths and some differences in how we live out those values.  How our past and our experiences impact our worldview is an observation we don't always think about but is interesting to watch and experience.  After living overseas and in a culture I didn't always understand I find that I extend a lot of grace.  I give people totally the benefit of the doubt.  Especially if they are people I love and trust.  People I know have my best interest in mind.  If I don't understand why someone says something I try to look at the comment or action from their perspective and understand it.  If I still don't understand then I go to them and ask.  I want and seek to understand their perspective.  I think this comes from so many times not really understanding why someone did or said something that to me did not make sense coming from a different culture.  Culture is always an interesting study, even in your own there are differences and similarities, understandings and misunderstandings, words taken wrong and right.  Love and truth spoken and demonstrated though are always the knots that tie us together as a family as a unit and as a team.

Mine tour tears

Last fall my Dad was working on setting up a tour of a gold mine for any interested parties.  All of us thought it would be interesting and were on the list.  As Dad was a geologist and loved to talk about rocks and gold and deposits and all it was always educational to go out with him as you were bound to learn something.  We all made it to the tour and around.  It was interesting and fun but with a stick you with a knife type of poignancy that we were all there and Dad wasn't.  He would have loved it.  Would have found it so interesting.  Would have understood all that the other geologist had to say about the rocks and formations and ore and waste.  I kept wanting him to raise his hand and make a comment or ask a question or get us all to have a photo op with one of the HUGE 340 ton dump trucks, but he wasn't there.  It is weird.  And hard. And it is interesting those things that kind of blind side you and make your eyes water up.

Mutton Bustin'

Our town is very proud of their Oregon Trail heritage and every 4th of July they have a  rodeo and a park full of vendors which Makes for a fun event. This year we only made it to one of the rodeos but had a fun time. It was SO hot this year! As pre rodeo events they have some fun local flavor events including a kids mutton busting event. Kids under 65 pounds can  ride a sheep and try to ride for 6 seconds. While sheep don't really buck much they do have a BuMpY rUn. Kase has ridden a sheep 4 times and has really enjoyed it.  Last year he placed second. No trophy! All the kids who participate get little medals. But the winner each night gets a foot tall trophy. He really wanted a trophy and as by next year he will have gained those last 3 pounds separating him from not being able to participate this was his last chance. He rode a wool falling off ewe to the buzzer. Score of 69. He was pretty stoked about his Basque style ride. Backwards with his little chin bouncing and his bike helmet securely on his head.  As he was only third out of the chutes he then had to wait and watch as several other kids made their rodeo debut. Some in grand style and some in dusty style. No one was hurt and everyone had fun. No one had a higher score.
The announcer called him and the rodeo queen presented him with his trophy. He was SO excited! What a fun memory!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Cancer cells

This prayer means so much so please say the prayer for everyone and pass it on.

 A cancer cell is a strange cell.
 You can go along for years in remission
 and then one day it pops its head up again.
  If you ever have it you will never be free of it.
 Pray for the day there will be a permanent cure.

Dear God,
 I pray that You will guide someone to find a cure for cancer in 2012
 In Jesus Name, Amen

 In memory of anyone you know who has been struck down by cancer or is  still living with it.  And all the lives affected by it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fathers day

Father's Day We all survived today. I had kind of been hoping to skip this year as I knew it was going to be a hard one and it was. I did need to celebrate it though as I have a little boy who loves his Father very much. But I missed my father. I did good putting the days significance in the back of my mind until we got to church and were handed a happy fathers day bulletin. Then my Mom called and we cried together and took a while to get those tears checked. I sat thru Sunday school in class with tears flowing though I don't remember much of what we were reading as I really just wanted to call my Dad for Fathers day. I  have talked to him every year on this day for sure for my whole life. I even found a book the other day that I had bought to give him for Fathers day. That was tough. Having Fathers day fall one day after the 2 month mark didn't help much. Our pastor made a neat comment though that our family was very blessed to have a Dad that we all loved and respected so much to be missing and grieving him so deeply. Very true!  We went out fishing and touring for Fathers day. Didn't catch a thing but we did have fun. Then out to dinner with some friends who had been fishing the same place with the same luck! Home late. But it was a good day. We all survived. Just had to drink lots of water.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tearful Moments

I am finding it interesting what sends tears coursing down my cheeks as I go through life now.  At Baseball last night, the Dad of one of Kase's team mates just retired from Active Duty and settled here in Vale.  He is now one of the men who so blessed our family as he does the burial detail involving 21 gun salutes, flag folding, and the ceremony involved with a Hero Burial.  When he told me that, I started to cry and just told him "Thank you so much for what you do!" 

Someone sent a youtube video link that was also a good one if you need your tear ducts cleaned out.

I still keep wanting to call Dad and chat with him about how life is going.  Doesn't work too well.  He was always our cheerleader and supporter and had so much wisdom.  My Mom came over to watch Kase in swimming lessons and at his baseball game.  We have such a fun time with her and I love my Mom dearly.  It is a bittersweet time though for all of us as it is in your face that Dad is not with us.  We loved having Mom here and she enjoyed her time too.  Just had some tearful moments.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Red pick-ups

So ever since I was in Junior high pretty much, my Dad drove a red Ford pickup. Once He had a white one but mostly red so it is a truck I associate with my Dad. The other day I was driving into town and a truck like Dads was driving up the road toward me. Maybe because I was stopped at the stop sign and really saw it or something I don't really know but I saw it well.y heart gave a lurch and the unexpectedness of it almost had me bawling in the hardware store. Those odd realities. The "never again" realities of life. These are hard and hurt your heart but you have to just keep walking. Breath in. Breath out.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer plans

Summer plans So somehow summer snuck up on me this year. I am a bit overwhelmed with the amount of deferred maintenance that we have worked  on a lot over the last few years and still have a ways to go on this ranch. Now it is on the market though and so I would really just like to sell it. Then someone else can deal with it and make it the way they want. I got  big blueprint plans the other day and that was quite exciting. I am ready to start on that project I think. Should be interesting. And a lot of work. But fun too.  It is so weird though to think that Fathers Day is coming up here in a few weeks and my Dad won't be here to celebrate with or  call or anything. It makes my eyes think they need to cry every time I think about that. So weird. Dad won't be coming to any of my sons baseball games. He will not show up at our mine tour. He won't make it to Marvin's wedding. I still keep thinking he will call me up but he hasn't. And won't. And that is hard. I am trying to move on and adjust to my new normal in life. I am not a basket case and crying all the time at all but it interesting to see what crops up that makes my eyes well up. I think the hardest part is wondering if there is another shoe that is dropping soon. Not sure I can handle another one right now. But I listen to the new Mercy Me song about the hurt - us- and the -healer- God colliding and knowing that one day all the tears will be washed away and the scares will be explained and knowing that it really is well with my soul. God does know what He is about. My dad wouldn't come back if he could. He is where he has had his eye fixed on for 40+ years and is loving heaven.  I know it deep down to be true but sometimes my heart still hurts. And I guess that is good. Summer will continue and the seasons will continue to change. The world is still turning. God is still in his heaven and I still trust in Him.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Moving on. . . .

So it has been a crazy winter and I feel like I am waking from a time warp some days. We wrapped up 3rd grade today! How much fun this s hook year has been. I love being a teacher almost all the time! There has been so much change this year though that mind seems to play tricks on me sometimes. I so wanted ask my Dads advice about something today and he wasn't there. Always has been there and it was an odd feeling to know I couldn't ask him and I was going to have to figure it out a different way. We made it thru though. I have felt like I was camping from my house this whole winter. Having spent more time living out of a suitcase than my dresser over the last several months has brought on that feeling I guess. But I unpacked my suitcase so maybe I will have too many clothes in my closet now. LOL! I have a new niece just born the other day! How cool is that! I think all of my family have hit our walls though. In talking to them all of us have been sleeping like logs and so exhausted. But I think it is just the finality of things coming down on us as well as a let off of some of the stress we all packed with us this winter. In some ways November seems like it was about 10 years ago and yesterday at the same time. Time warp thing! We went to a rodeo - just a fun day trip this last weekend and it was so fun and just nice to do something just for fun with no extra pressure or anything just simple. I guess I need to plan some more of that in for this summer.

Friday, May 11, 2012


So I was ready to call my Dad the other day. Didn't really have any new news or anything just wanted to chat about life. Was hard to realize I couldn't do that now. Odd thing to realize! I was telling my son that tho and told him that I had prayed then and asked Jesus to tell Grandpa what I needed to tell him and that I love and miss him. He said that the good thing about that is that you never get out of cell phone range that way! Too true! I love it. Good perspective. I am realizing that we all have these important people in our lives who we do the important and big things in life with. College. Marriage. Births. Deaths. That sort of thing. We are very blessed go have some of those sorts of friends. Dad was honored today by a packed out memorial service. The word we kept hearing over and over was how dad had impacted this person and that person. Whole schools. Organizations. People. Ministries. People. Families. Missions. People. It was near to hear and be blessed again by the love of a Dad and a man who loved God and followed and gave with everything he had.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Thoughts on packing.

So I have done a lot of packing. I travel a lot and pack light and go. I have for a long time. I have packed up my whole life into 7 pieces of luggage twice for international moves. I have helped friends do this packing up to. I kind of like packing. The last 3 days I have been helping my Mom, brother, sister in law pack up my Mom from her house to move to Oregon. We have sorted thru books, clothes, hunting gear, books, craft supplies, kitchen stuff, geology stuff, a few more books. All those things that a person who loved life and lived it to the full collects. It has been interesting and hard. I think the office has been the hardest because that space has been Dads domain for lack of a better word. But he Always had time for us. I kept waiting in my heart for him to walk in the door. And it was painful in my heart knowing he wasn't going to. We have had some fun memories made and some fun memories bared as we have worked together in this project too so that has been good.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

21 gun salute & taps

The memorial service for Dad was good and terrible. Unreal and crazy real. A nightmare and reality. All at the same time it made everything so final and at the same time I kept expecting Dad to walk up to me as well and start visiting during the whole event. Taps makes me cry even on a good day and the haunting lilting tune echoing back to me from those trees being played because my Dad is the one who is no gone was powerful. The 21 gun salute was impressive and loud. But watching those honor guard soldiers in thier dress blues paying thier deep respect for a man they never knew but were there to honor was power personified. Young vibrant men there to honor. What a blessing to be a participant in this tradition. They crisply folded our flag and presented it to Mom. Then gave the 21 casings from the 21 gun salute as a keepsake of the honor of that day. Impactive! Thank you to so many who came that day to share our joy and pain. Our hope and our tears. Our loss and sadness but also the knowing that it is well with our souls.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


So I have decided that meetings for funerals are no fun at all. Even though and partly because my Dad lived such a full and good life it has been so hard to be a part of these plans. I haven't even been in on much of the planning and prep as I was working on other things family this week, but my heart has been involved and it has been hard. Everyone is still in shock. Grieving. Wondering. Thinking. Sad. Happy for Dad. Wondering what to do next and what will happen next. I half expect half the time for Dad to come walking into the room or even more to call me. I took his cell phone out of my speed dial the other day that sure had a feeling of finality to it. I feel like there is a jagged hole in our fabric of our family. Dad aaapparently said he wanted to be buried under a pile of rocks - appropriately and so Mom brought a bunch of rocks up from Nevada. These are rocks collected from all over the globe and only a sampling of the collection we are sure to find in the garage. Some were labeled with dates, names, places and trips others just blank. Spots and memories of a life lived well. We will throw some on top of the casket.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Obituary for Dad

Donald James Decker, after a short season of cancer, finished his earthly journey and entered his heavenly home on April 16, 2012.  He was born August 22, 1944 to Glenn and Elizabeth Decker of Corvallis, OR.  He grew up on the family farm on Decker Road and was involved in 4H and Future Farmers of America throughout his school years.  As a youth he attended a revival in Philomath, OR and accepted Christ as his Savior.  This very important decision was a life changing event for him.
He attended local Corvallis schools and graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology.  In 1968, he married Suzanne Whitney from Fortuna, CA.  After graduation in 1969, they moved to Reno, NV where they attended University of Nevada.  Don went to graduate school at MacKay School of Mines (now known as Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering) where he earned his master's degree in Geology.
His geology career spanned the next 40 plus years in Nevada, Alaska, and Oregon where he searched for gold, silver, barite, and other precious metals.  Over time he acquired many interesting and compelling mining properties. A gifted geologist and successful businessman, he developed his own mining related companies: Decker Exploration, Century Gold, LLC, Faith Land, Faith Land and Minerals, and participated in American Innovative Minerals, LLC. 
After moving to Winnemucca, NV in 1973, he became the proud father of Russell (married to Lori), followed by Mary in 1977 (married to Dustin Baker), Amy in 1980 (married to Nathan Gillespie), and Matthew in 1984 (married to Melodie).  Don often read to them and wore out Picture Bibles as they were growing up.  He loved each of his children so very much and was proud of the adults they have become.  The family lived in various northeast Nevada locations before settling predominately in the Elko area.  In 1986, he and his family built a home in Lamoille, NV.  The Ruby Mountains were a wonderful view from their home and over the years he and his family enjoyed many outings there.
Don and his family relocated to Corvallis, OR in 1989.  In 1991, he earned another master’s degree in Christian Leadership from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland, OR.  He and Suzi moved back to Elko, NV in 1998.
Later, grandchildren came to delight his life as well - Jared, Emily, and Ethan Decker, Kase Baker, and Digeo Decker. As each grew, he was able to show them how to pan for gold as well as garnets from the Ruby Mountains and teach them basic geology.  He loved playing games and wrestling with them.
His gift of giving was another source of joy for him.  He encouraged many people to venture into short term mission work and supported many on long term missions in a variety of countries for his Savior and Lord.  He was privileged to travel to Mongolia and China on short term mission trips with Campus Crusade for Christ and The JESUS Film Projects.  He enjoyed giving to help build churches in various countries as well as funding education for future Christian leaders and workers through Multnomah University and various Christian schools in Oregon and Nevada.  One of his favorite Bible verses was, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.  As a family, we have a huge deposit in heaven with our husband and father and grandfather.
He is survived by Suzi, his wife of 43 years, children, grandchildren, brothers Van Decker of Corvallis, OR and Everett Decker of Culver, OR, and their families.
In lieu of flowers, please donate in Don’s memory to :
·        Biblica  1820 Jet Stream Drive  Colorado Springs, CO 80921
·        The JESUS Film Project  PO Box 628222  Orlando, FL 32862-8222
·        Crown Financial Ministries  1035 Old Peachtree Road NW  Lawrenceville, GA 30043-3309
·        Young Life Foundation  P.O. Box 520  Colorado Springs, CO  80901-0520
·        Spring Creek Christian Academy  285 Spring Creek Parkway  Spring Creek, NV 89815
·        Multnomah University  8435 NE Glisan St.  Portland, OR 97220
·        Santiam Christian Schools 7200 NE Arnold Ave Corvallis, OR 97330

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Waiting for the call

I got a phone all early yesterday morning that I am sure will alter my life in ways I do not even know of yet.  My Dad, who has always been my cheerleader, helper, friend, confidant, encourager, supporter, . . . .etc. has passed away.  I know I knew it would happen but still.  I feel like I was waiting for that phone call. 

So at breakfast we wondered through our tears, if when someone gets to heaven if there is a PA system call go out.  "Don Decker, Elko, NV, is arriving at pearly gate #2 in 5 minutes, as many of you here know him, please be on hand to greet him."  While there is nothing in the Bible about that, it was an interesting discussion point.  Lots of love there and lots of people Dad loved who were I am sure on hand to greet him.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tax Day

This morning Dad took a turn for the worse.  Basically has slipped into a coma, from which he will awake in Heaven.  Dad has said for many years, that you should pay into your heavenly account more than what Uncle Sam will ask you to pay into your tax account.  And he lived this principle too giving generously to many groups, organizations and individuals to help them and further them in the various missions that they were involved in.  This year, I think my biggest deposit into my heavenly account is going to go soon as well.  I am sure Dad would laugh as he says to store your treasures in Heaven.  And in heaven the Gold is just PAVEMENT! 
Thank God for good friends who let you cry on their shoulders.  This is by far the most painful deposit I have ever made.  A hard down payment on heaven. 

Out with your boots on

I have always wondered about the phrase "going out with my boots on" and I think I am beginning to figure it out.  It is going out doing what you love, with those you love around, at peace with the world and everyone.  Not necessarily the way everyone gets to go out, but shouldn't we all live"like you were dying"???  Because really we are.  But we have a hard time admitting it.  I cried more today and so much that my eyes feel full of sand.  The reds of my eyes hurt.  But I feel like in the last year my Dad has gotten to do a lot of the things that would help him to "go out with his boots on" though I know that none of us would have chosen this process for the actual going!  He got to take some of his family to Alaska and introduce all the older grand kids to a place he loved!  He got to visit the smaller grand kids and enjoy good time with them in their new house.  He was at a dinner for a new Bible School in Reno the night before we found out abut the cancer.  He went to Mongolia - on a mission trip - another thing he loved and supported for years - in August with my family.  He got a new business partner to help with moving his company forward.  He went hunting with his family.  He was able to attend Grandpa Whitney's wedding to show his support.  He was able to see another step forward in the pit for his business.  He had a wonderful Christmas with all his family around him.  A few people came to him to make their peace after finding out about his cancer.  He got to see the next steps forward and help plan them for his family.  We are truly and richly blessed!